FND Stories

FND Stories

FND Stories book NOW AVAILABLE!!!

When I experienced my first FND symptoms, the worst part was feeling so alone. I never had heard of this disorder, much less known anyone else with it. It would have been such a huge help to know others had stories like mine. I could have identified with this contributor who said, “FND felt like a black hole had been swallowing me… and I didn’t even know what it was.” (p. 97)

It was such an honor to be asked to help create this book of stories about FND. Contributors include patients with FND, their families, and professionals who treat FND. As I’ve learned through the years, all of us with FND are different. What has worked for me won’t necessarily work for someone else. This book is a kaleidoscope of experiences. If you have FND, love someone with FND, or treat patients with FND, I have no doubt that there will be at least one story that resonates for you and helps you understand this confusing condition better.

The book is available from our publisher, Jessica Kingsley Publishers. If you are in the US, useĀ this link. UK friends can access the publisher here. The publisher has generously offered a 20% discount when you use the code STORIES20.

The book may also be found on Amazon.

I hope you find the book as amazing as I do! A huge thanks to all who contributed. Sharing your stories helps others better understand the upside-down world of FND. No one deserves FND, but I’m glad that there are now resources like this book so those who find themselves on that lonely road can navigate it better through the help of others on the same path.

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